Supporting Christchurch Boys’ High School to develop men who can lead New Zealand and the world to be a better place.
About Te Kura Trust

- Empowering Students: We believe in providing every student with the tools and resources they need to excel in their educational journey, regardless of their background or circumstances.
- Supporting Excellence: Our funds are dedicated to fostering academic and extracurricular achievements, ensuring students have the opportunities to reach their full potential.
- Building Future Leaders: Through our initiatives, we aim to inspire, nurture, and guide the next generation of leaders who will make a positive impact on their communities and beyond.
- Community Engagement: We focus on creating a strong sense of community, where students, parents, and supporters work together to build a brighter future for all.
Have a Positive Impact on School & Students
Did you once get somewhere in life because you received the support you deserved to achieve your dreams? Now YOU can help change the lives of boys, and reward them for their hard-earned excellence.
A passionate community surrounds Christchurch Boys’ High School. Old Boys, parents and supporters. You have been moulded by your association with Boys’ High. Now is your opportunity to contribute to the School and leave your mark on its legacy.
Your generosity will provide much-needed financial support to the school and its students. Choose to support either the General Fund (school facilities and equipment) or Special Fund (student scholarships and prizes) through donations or a bequest.
By supporting the General Fund you’ll help provide the very best quality environment for students to learn and succeed. Buildings and facilities that serve people – students, staff and the wider community.
The General Fund enables Boys’ High to purchase capital items, equipment and facilities not provided by the Government. Over the years all aspects of school life have benefited, including the Wilson Library, Adams House, the performing and visual arts, sport, The Deans Buildings, classroom equipment, computers, and assembly hall seating.
Help develop men who can lead not only Christchurch, but New Zealand, and the world to be a better place.
Support students to reach their full potential and make a difference in the world. Each year the Te Kura Special Funds provides a range of scholarships and bursaries to students for study while at Christchurch Boys’ High, and as they take their next step into tertiary study.
With your help we can provide opportunities for every boy to realise his potential by providing every boy access to co-curricular sporting, cultural and academic activities regardless of the financial situation of his family and whanau.
Help us fulfil the school’s mission of educating fine young men towards outstanding achievement.
ACADEMIC and other:
Refer to CBHS website (Scholarships) and individual Citations for:
- Deans Scholar – staff nominations, shortlist, and interviews by panel
- Old Boys’ Centennial Trophy – staff nominations, decision by panel
- Old Boys’ Medal – voting by Monitors only. Overseen by DP
- Jake Bailey Award – staff nominations, decision by panel
- George Sanders Award – staff nominations, decision by panel
Year 12 and 13 Academic
- Dux and Proxime Accessit
- Year 12 General Excellence Scholar
Process for both awards :
- Year level Deans collect and collate ranked lists from all HODs of subjects offering achievement-based standards. These are to be based on marks gained throughout the year. At least the top ten students are needed. Five subjects (minimum) to be looked at.
- Deans collate placings in class using the following
(a)Number of 1sts and subject prizes won. If a clear winner, Dean presents name and supporting evidence to DP for review and entry of name.
(b) If a tie on #1, look at placings in other subjects and total. Lowest score wins prize. Dean presents name and supporting evidence to DP for review and entry in Prize list.
(c)Lists can also be used to determine the Scholars at each level – cannot have won an academic prize. Preferably maximum of 6 at each level. Deans present names and evidence to DP for review and entry of names.
(d) Year 12 – across 3 subjects. Total placings and take lowest
(e) Year 13 – across 4 subjects. Total placings and take lowest 6.
There is no weighting applied to subject placings in higher class levels unless there continues to be a tie after # 1and #2 above. For year 12 students, a placing in a Year 13 subject is the same as in a Year 12.
There is no hierarchy of subjects. All subjects (and therefore placings) have equal weighting.
The senior staff member in charge of prize giving has the final call in all prize matters, after reviewing all available evidence. available evidence.
Applications for the Sir Arthur Sims Scholarship and John Wilson Scholarship are invited from CBHS Old Boys who meet the criteria. The amount of each scholarship will be determined by the financial performance of the funds in the trust and also on the number of applicants. The values below are an estimate only of amounts.
Awards for Extended Scholarships are dependent on students maintaining satisfactory progress and on the university result.
- Application forms can be obtained from the CBHS website from September (refer links below).
- There is one form for school leavers (first year) and a different form for those who are applying for an extended scholarship for subsequent years of study.
- You can complete the form electronically and email, or print and complete by hand.
- Supporting information is set out on the application form and should accompany the application.
- Information will be required to confirm university enrolment and course.
- Completed applications (with supporting documents) can be emailed, posted, or left at the School Office.
- Closing date for applications is 28 February.
- Scholarships will be awarded at a Scholars Assembly in May.
Tenable for Degree Courses at Lincoln University
Established by Lady Sims in memory of her late husband, Sir Arthur Sims, himself an Old Boy and generous benefactor of Christchurch Boys’ High School. Available to students intending to study a degree course at Lincoln University. The award of these scholarships is conditional on gaining Level 3 NCEA 60 credits in achievement and/or unit standards over 3, 4 or 5 subjects.
This is a supplement to other scholarships including sports scholarships. These scholarships may be continued in subsequent years (upon application each year) provided satisfactory academic performance is maintained.
School Leaver application form
The value of the scholarship is $1,000-$1,500.
Tenable for Chemistry Degree Courses at the University of Canterbury
Established by an Old Boy John F Moffat. This scholarship is awarded to a student who intends studying chemistry at the University of Canterbury and is awarded following the NCEA Level 3 examination results in consultation with the HOD Science.
The value of the scholarship is $500 (approx).
The Peter England and Family Community Relations Award was established by Peter England in 2014. The award is to encourage excellence and the development of Community Leaders from amongst the students of Christchurch Boys’ High School who have the potential to go and make a positive difference to both Christchurch and New Zealand (including community service abroad in developing countries), having regard to the promotion of purposes of the New Zealand Human Rights Act 1993 and its regulations and amendments or any enactment in the substitution thereof (this includes the Race Relations Commission) and prevention of violence and drug use minimisation may also be taken into account.
Without limiting the purposes for which applications may be made, volunteer service abroad through recognised organisations, youth leadership programmes and support to participate in general community service activities will be considered. Preference will be given to Adams House students, though any student in the school may apply. Awards may be for a period of time during which the awardee is a student of the school, or to facilitate these purposes, for some period of time in the year immediately following the student’s leaving school. The award may be extended for longer if the funds are available.
Application Process
Students may apply at any time of the year by submitting an application form to the Headmaster. The application form is here or you can obtain it from the Headmaster’s Executive Assistant at the School Office. If the Headmaster deems the application is worthy of further consideration he will call a meeting of the Award Committee. The Award Committee may wish to interview the applicant or may make a decision based on the documentation provided.
The Awards Committee will have approximately $7,000 per annum available for distribution.
Donations & Bequests
Gifts of any size are received with gratitude and make a real difference to the lives of Christchurch Boy’s High School students.
Get in touch to discuss your giving opportunities, whether that’s endowing a new scholarship, naming rights, or another meaningful way to support Boys’ High.
Whether you donate to the General or Special Fund, or would like to leave Te Kura a bequest, we welcome your interest and support.
By Internet Banking
Te Kura Trust Foundation Inc. 03-0823-0368199-00
Please put your first name in the Code box and your surname in the Reference box.
Secretary of the Trust
Please contact the secretary to discuss the various options.
PO Box 8461
Christchurch 8440

Performance Report
Te Kura Trust Foundation Inc.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Our location
PO Box 8157, Straven Road, Riccarton, Christchurch 8440
Call us on
+64 3 348 5003
Email us on